Monday, July 8, 2013

Stocking up and cornbread.

Baked a ton of stuff today so I have to sift through 30-ish pictures and crop em' down a tad. Here's my flour inventory as of 8:45 a.m.
 That's a 25 pound bag of white bread flour on the right, three 5 pound bags of whole wheat flour in the center, a single 5 pound bag of rye flour and finally a 10 pound bag of all-purpose flour. Should keep me stocked for a few weeks.
I made cornbread, didn't get any better pictures than this, and it doesn't really convey the epicosity of it. Only problem was a little graininess left from the cornmeal.

Tomorrow will bring whole wheat and oat bread, plus two loaves of traditional German rye bread. 

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