Tuesday, July 9, 2013

An experiment and rye.

 Here we have a loaf of whole wheat and oats,  it turned out quite well and tastes pretty darn good for whole wheat.
Good crumb texture, if not very dense. Though that is to be expected with whole wheat.
Mmm, there really isn't anything like a good loaf of homemade rye. Plus, it's a traditional very traditional recipe, with the inclusion of molasses and heavy cream. It turned out excellent.
 Look at that, a nearly perfect, dense texture that with stone ground flour brings across a whole different taste than any store brought bread can bring. 

And here we go... In the foreground you can see the individual grains of rye flour sticking out of the loaf. The golden brown area is some beautifully caramelized eggwash that only adds to the flavor. 

Next up is a New York style cheesecake, with a twist of my own.

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